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Empty 28 pc 1/4" Ratchet and Skt Set Foam Insert

Empty 28 pc 1/4" Ratchet and Skt Set Foam Insert
Empty 32 pc 3/8" Ratchet and Socket Set Foam Insert
Empty 28 pc 1/2" Ratchet and Socket Set Foam Insert
Empty 15 pc Maxbite Combination Spanner Set Foam Insert
Empty 15 pc Maxbite Ratcheting Combination Spanner Set Foam Insert
Empty 15 pc Maxbite Flex Head Spanner Set Foam Insert
Empty 23 pc Trilobe Screwdriver Foam Insert
Empty 7 pc Screwdriver TX Set 1 Foam Insert
Empty 6 pc Screwdriver TX Set 2 Foam Insert
Empty 5 pc Screwdriver PH Set Foam Insert
Empty 7 pc Screwdriver SL & PH Set Foam Insert
Empty 7 pc Screwdriver SL Set Foam Insert
Empty 3 pc Adjustable Wrench set Foam Insert
Empty 4 pc VDE Pliers Set 2 Foam Insert
Empty 27 pc MAXBITE Combination Spanner Foam Set
Empty 22 pc MAXBITE Ratcheting Combination Spanner Foam Set
Empty 8 pc Insulated Screwdriver set Foam Insert
Empty 4 pc Insulated Pliers Set Foam Insert
Empty 11 pc Grip Pliers Set Foam Insert
Empty 3 pc Cutting and Measuring Foam Insert
Empty 2 pc Engineer & Dead blow hammer Foam set
Empty 2 pc BallPeen & Dead blow hammer Foam set
Empty 2 pc Waterpump & locking pliers Foam Set
Empty 3 pc Pliers Set Foam Insert
Empty 15 pc General Tooling Foam Set

Le produit contient


Module vide cliquet et douilles 28 pcs



  • Module mousse solide pour placer proprement les outils Milwaukee dans la servante
  • Pré-couper au laser pour placer de manière précise les outils


Découvrez les caractéristiques produit en détail



